
Room information

A private space with the warmth of Japan.
The balcony is furnished with tables and chairs. Get some fresh air and enjoy the great outdoors.
  • Rooms
  • 2 people
    Japanese-Western-style room, about 73 square meters, with two beds.
  • Baths
  • With indoor and outdoor baths
    * All baths at Hanayuu flow from the source.
  • Dining
  • Dinner and breakfast will be prepared at the restaurant.
  • Check-in / Check-out
  • 15:00~11:00
  • Accessories
  • Towel warmer, pot, bamboo forest water, Nespresso machine, SodaStream, kotatsu, floor heating, microwave oven, refrigerator, washlet with sensor, LCD TV/PC connection
  • Amenities
  • ・L'Occitane shampoo, conditioner, body soap
    ・ Facial cleansing foam / all-in-one gel for both men and women
    ・Women's cleansing
    ・ (Amenity pack: for women) Body towels, toothbrushes, hair bands, hair clips, brushes,
    ・ (Amenity pack: for men) Body towels, toothbrushes, brushes
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